Fuori era estate

Fuori era estate - Luigi Cecconi - Phases Magazine
Fuori era estate - Luigi Cecconi - Phases Magazine
Fuori era estate - Luigi Cecconi - Phases Magazine
Fuori era estate - Luigi Cecconi - Phases Magazine
Fuori era estate - Luigi Cecconi - Phases Magazine
Fuori era estate - Luigi Cecconi - Phases Magazine
Fuori era estate - Luigi Cecconi - Phases Magazine
Fuori era estate - Luigi Cecconi - Phases Magazine

“Fuori era estate” by Luigi Cecconi is a project about the emotional effects of abortion, narrated through a photographic transposition of the oneiric images described by women who have experienced it at first hand. The prints, patiently obtained through the traditional processes, as well as the media on which the thoughts of these women are emerging from the bottom of the indifference, are an invitation to dissolve the state of ignorance around which our beliefs regarding life and its meaning are usually articulated. Meanwhile, these images are allowing us, in a very gentle way, to imagine, to roam and to enjoy them as they are, as visual data.