
Nausea - Ron Jude - Phases Magazine
Nausea - Ron Jude - Phases Magazine
Nausea - Ron Jude - Phases Magazine
Nausea - Ron Jude - Phases Magazine
Nausea - Ron Jude - Phases Magazine
Nausea - Ron Jude - Phases Magazine
Nausea - Ron Jude - Phases Magazine
Nausea - Ron Jude - Phases Magazine

Nausea—taken from the title of Sartre’s 1938 existential novel—is a body of
photographs made in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Atlanta, Georgia from 1990-92 by American photographer Ron Jude. Using the architectural space of public schools as his subject, this work established the building blocks for the next twenty-five years of Jude’s photographic output, including Other Nature, Alpine Star, Lick Creek Line and Lago. At the heart of Nausea lies the premise that philosophical inquiry might be filtered and consumed through photographs, just as it is through Sartre’s work of literary fiction.