There comes a time for a photographer when documenting visible reality is not enough any more. To document the surface is to document symptoms, consequences, it is to get there late. When one wants to really investigate the life that surrounds us, it becomes necessary to find a way of documenting the not visible, the essential. The mechanisms.
If one ignores the surface and pays attention to the signs, in the immediate surroundings of the photographer (in this case, the fertile region of “Levante” – i.e. the east coast of the country – , one of the hottest spots in contemporary Spain) one can find a scale model of everything, a laboratory where these mechanisms manifest themselves freely. One does not need to go any further away to find evidence of major phenomena. “El porque de las naranjas” (The reason of oranges) is not therefore, literally speaking, a portrait of Levante. It is a portrait of the spirit of Levante, and thus of the spirit of entire Spain.
-Luis López Navarro
All images ©Ricardo Cases