Inside The Spider

Inside The Spider - Suzie Howell - Phases Magazine
Inside The Spider - Suzie Howell - Phases Magazine
Inside The Spider - Suzie Howell - Phases Magazine
Inside The Spider - Suzie Howell - Phases Magazine
Inside The Spider - Suzie Howell - Phases Magazine
Inside The Spider - Suzie Howell - Phases Magazine
Inside The Spider - Suzie Howell - Phases Magazine
Inside The Spider - Suzie Howell - Phases Magazine
Inside The Spider - Suzie Howell - Phases Magazine

Inside The Spider’ is a project based on Walthamstow Marshes, East London, an area of outstanding natural beauty and one of the last natural wetlands in the capital.

For the last 3 years Suzie has visited these marshes on a regular basis and explored her own personal and changing relationship with this landscape.

The work is a representation of what’s real and present, but it is also an abstract portrayal of past events using objects found on the land.

There is a troubled atmosphere surrounding the beautiful, natural spectacle of the marshes and the contrasting feelings of darkness and allure are the basis of this work.